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Indian woman clicking her photo in a mirror using her cellphone

Three (More) Lessons I’ve Learnt as a Female Solo Traveller

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In 2022 November, I wrote about the lessons I’ve learnt as a lady solo traveler. But, as I travel more, the examples just keep adding up. I hope the hard years (COVID anyone?!) are behind us which means more of us (women) can get out & travel.

So, if you’re gearing up for your first solo trip, or maybe even the nth one, I hope the following three lessons will help you.

A Smile Bridges Gaps

Jorasanko Thakurbari, Kolkata, West Bengal

One of the aspects rapidly disappearing from Earth is politeness. Our sense of entitlement has become so high that we behave we own the planet. We tend to display uncouth behaviour or use rude language first, till someone shows us our place.

But, if we learn how to be polite & kind, we can make our travels (& maybe life) more successful. I like to believe I’m a polite person generally but when I travel, I ensure I’m at my best behavior.

That’s because when I travel, I’m a guest in someone else’s region/ state & I must behave like one. My politeness has made locals be more receptive towards me & more willing to help me.

Six bowls containing Bengali dishes
Special Bengali Dinner

E.g., when I visited Kolkata in 2022, I got chatting with the restaurant manager at my hotel. When she came to know that I was there to know more about the culture of Bengal, she put together a special Bengali cuisine dinner for me!

So, make the effort, even if politeness doesn’t come naturally to you!

Alone =/= Lonely!

Alone = Freedom

It always surprises me how many, many people are afraid of being alone. They’re ready to suffer through toxic marriages but won’t take the step to separate because they’re frightened to be alone!

I frankly don’t comprehend this. To be, being alone & being lonely are different. When we’re lonely, it’s because there’s an ache within us. In that case, we may be partying with a big bunch of friends but still feel lonely.

On the contrary, when we’re alone, it’s because we enjoy our own company. Moreover, when alone, we can actually enjoy the company of the entire Universe, rather than specific persons.

Ever since I began working in 2008, I began to do things on my own. Dining, shopping, sightseeing, travelling, watching a movie. I love the freedom this brings. I can do what I want when I want, where I want, how I want!

For me, doing things alone never made me awkward but if you’re someone who balks at the thought of travelling alone, I’ll recommend starting small – just go to your neighborhood café & have a cup of coffee. Alone.

It’s just about getting over the initial awkwardness. Once you do, & once you’ve tasted this freedom, you’ll begin to prefer doing most things alone!

Indian woman sands in front of a white memorial

Contact Home

Once a day, text/ call home. Your partner or your parents or your siblings, whoever’s waiting for you back home. Needless to say, they miss us & would worry about us. So, giving them a daily update about your travel will be a good, comforting idea.

More importantly, ask them what they’ve been up to. You’re out & about, having a great time, while they’re holding fort or even going about their mundane lives. It’ll just be common courtesy to ask after them.

Indian woman's selfie in front of the River Ganges at Prinsep Ghat, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

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